Monday, 27 April 2015

Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis Speeches on I.D.A Ignoring Rural Counties and Cuts to Local Authorities roads budgets.

That this Ard Fheis condemns the I.D.A for ignoring rural counties and calls on the Minister to drop the spin and get people back to work.
My fellow soldiers of destiny as Vice-Chairman of Carlow Ogra C.D.C we are asking you to support motion 149 on the clar which reads. “That this Ard Fheis condemns the I.D.A for ignoring rural counties and calls on the Minister to drop the spin and get people back to work.” I mean no disrespect to my Dublin colleagues but there is more than one county in Ireland. Since the government has come into power in 2011 the number of I.D.A visits to the Carlow/ Kilkenny constituency is still in the single digits. I fully accept that it is the multi- national that decides where to locate but the I.D.A should do more to spread employment to rural areas. My fellow soldiers of destiny I ask you to support the motion. Thank You
That this Ard Fheis slams the government for savage cuts to many local authorities roads budgets.
My fellow soldiers of destiny as Carlow Ógra Leas Cathaoirleach I encourage you to support motion 79 on your clar which reads “that this Ard Fheis slams the government for savage cuts to many local authorities roads budgets.” In the Carlow/ Kilkenny constituency the road budgets for the two counties has been cut by a total of €1,000,000.00. It is hard to believe that we had four government T.D’’s and an environment minister in the constituency.  As a person who lives in the heart of rural  Carlow road structures are hugely important for economic prosperity and daily life, how can a family go to work or bring their children to school or how can businessperson   or farmers bring products to  market if the road structures is not of good quality  Delegates I ask you to support this motion.

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