Friday, 3 April 2015

Carlow Lawn Tennis Club Public Relations Campaign by Patrick Jordan and Ciaran Cunnigham

Public Relations campaign
Patrick Jordan and Ciaran Cunnigham

Details of project
n  As stated in your syllabus, in your final year you will:
Research, prepare and present a public relations campaign for a real client
Worth… 50%
Some details about project
n  The campaign will conform to contemporary professional standards and will be presented to the client in a formal presentation on a date to be assigned. (Note – it will firstly be presented to the class at an agreed date)
n  After groups have been given details about who their client is, they must contact the client to arrange a time to meet them. 
n  The group must bring a prepared briefing document with them to this meeting.
n  What’s a brief???? (We will go through in class what exactly is meant by a ‘brief’). 
n  After this briefing meeting, where the client will relay what their objectives for the proposed campaign are (i.e. they will tell you what it is they would like you to do), the group will plan, research and prepare a presentation under the guidance of their instructor (me!) over a number of weeks
n  A date will be arranged with the client for them to come into the college to meet with the group to be presented a recommended Public Relations Plan. 
n  The presentation should include appropriate audio/visual aids, though if a TV commercial is included, a story board and script are all that are required.   HOWEVER, visuals work in this presentation and you do have the technology nowadays to use from TV studio – so MAKE something. 
n  Each campaign should contain a minimum of one press release, one print advertisement (magazine or newspaper should be specified), one radio commercial, a web page, and/or a television commercial and/or a promotional video and a plan for an event (seminar, conference, product launch, etc).
Online social media
n  Has the client got a twitter/facebook etc… account?  If not, should they.  If so, create them !
n  BUT – AND THIS IS IMPORTANT – NOTHING should be LIVE until after the presentation and AFTER client has requested it to be made live
Why do you think this is important?
n  Research now incorporates 10% of the overall mark and needs to be completed for the client and if the client has no specific requests here, this request will come from your instructor. 

Spiral binder
n  Each campaign plan should be presented to the instructor in a spiral binder with division pages separating the campaign document into its constituent parts:  objectives, strategies research, and tactics, evaluation, etc…. (where you would put the campaign-related items such as press releases, ads, etc.).  
n  A copy should also be made available to the client on the day of this as well as a copy of the powerpoint  presentation – to instructor and to the client. 
n  A copy of posters, leaflets, DVD footage etc  should also be made available to client throughout the presentation.                           
n  1st step – immediate – start forming groups – of TWO.  Decision to be made now.  
n  2nd step – Client chosen (by lotto unless individual circumstances are relevant).   Also appoint group leader at this point who will arrange meetings etc…
n  3rd step – BEFORE making contact with client, discuss with instructor.  Lecturer will contact the client explaining what the project is all about
n  4th step – Prepare brief before meeting with client.  Discuss and show brief to instructor before your meeting
n  5th step – Group to arrange meeting with client
n  6th step – Meet with client
n  7th step – Write down your initial ideas straight after meeting with client; Research; Brainstorm etc…
n  8th step – Commence preparation of Marketing Communications/PR plan – ensuring you conform to guidelines given already here and make sure you show evidence and reference to ACADEMIC literature
n  Remember – you MUST complete some form of research for the client. 
n  9th step – Present plan to class.  Feedback on presentation from class and from instructor
n  10th step – make any recommended changes as per previous comment
n  11th step – PRESENTATION !!! Arrange for client to come to college for presentation.  Feedback given from client as well as instructor. 

n  Please note: There will be marks for group work BUT there will also be marks for individual project work completed. 

Next steps…
n  E-mail me telling me in order of preference, which client you’d like to work on.  Expand if you wish in e-mail
n  Groups formed
n  Work begins preparing for first client meeting

Table of Contents
1.      Aims and objectives  (6)
2.      Research Conducted  (8)
3.      Rebranding  (16)
4.      Promotional Material (21)
5.      Online Media and Promotional video (23)
6.      Events (27)
7.      Radio Advertisement and Target Media (36)
8.      Crisis P.R (43)
9.      Evaluation (47)
10.  References (49)
11.  Appendix
                               I.            Media contact list
                            II.            Letterhead
                         III.            Membership receipt
                         IV.            Business Card

Aims and Objectives

Aims & Objectives
When setting out our objectives we used the SMART approach to make sure that each objective was specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time sensitive (Gunning, 2007) . The main aims and objectives for the campaign are
           To raise awareness of the club.
           To increase club membership.
           To raise awareness of the facilities (promoting other sports that the club also cater for such as badminton and squash.)
           Highlight the bar as an outlet for parties and events.

Research Conducted

Secondary research
In order to carryout research relevant literature was investigated. The books researched were:
·         Effective Public Relations which was essential reading by Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Centre, Glenn M. Broom, 2005.
·         Public Relations critical debates and contemporary practise by Jacquie L'Etang and Magda Pieczka, 2006.
·         Public Relations: A practical approach by Ellen Gunning, 2007.
The books were very informative about the effectiveness of surveys and gave great examples of previous public relations campaigns which brought structure to the campaign.
Our research included a review of other tennis clubs close to Carlow such as Athy, Kilkenny and Naas. These tennis clubs were mentioned at our initial briefing with our clients that are seen as possible competitors. We investigated the kind of activities they ran, and if there was any possible scope to incorporate similar ideas into the schedule of Carlow Lawn Tennis Club.

Primary Research
We took to Carlow’s Fair Green shopping centre to get some vox pops from the public where we asked a few basic questions regarding their knowledge and interest levels in Carlow Lawn Tennis Club. We also spoke to a member of Kilkenny Tennis Club to investigate the activities they run.
We used the convenience sampling method for our survey which we constructed on and distributed to the public on social media sites as well as a few hard copies. The results gave us a good indication of what the public knew about the club.
We also visited the club on numerous occasions to experience the atmosphere of the club first hand and to familiarise ourselves with the background and premises. Below is the sample and results of the survey.

Carlow Lawn Tennis Club Survey
Q1.      Are You?
Male                 Female
Q2.      What Age category do you fall in?
0-18                 18-25               25-35               35+
Q3.      Have you ever considered taking up a new sport?
            Yes                   No                    Maybe             Don’t Know
Q4.      Are you interested in joining Carlow Lawn Tennis Club?
            Yes                   No                    Maybe             Don’t Know
Q5.      Would you be surprised to hear that you can play other sports in Carlow Lawn Tennis Club such as squash and badminton?
            Yes                   No       
Q6.      Do you know where Carlow Lawn Tennis Club is located?
            Yes                   No       
Q7.      Are you aware that Carlow Lawn Tennis Club has a fully licensed bar and club house?
            Yes                   No                                           
Q8.      Would you have a party or function in Carlow Lawn Tennis Club?
            Yes                   No                    Maybe             Don’t Know
Q9.      Do you live within 25 miles of Carlow town?
            Yes                   No                   



In line with the brief set down by our lecturer we have designed a new logo for the club. The aim of the new design was to produce a modern and contemporary logo which incorporates the club colours. Our initial logo design was subject to negative criticism by our class. Therefore we set out to redevelop our concept and ended up with a more modern simple design. The progression of our logos can be seen below.

Original design
We tried to incorporate all three sports with the tennis ball at the bottom, the squash ball is outlined within the tennis ball, and the overall shape of the crest designed to look like a shuttlecock. The racquets in the background were left abstract so they could represent racquets from any one of the three sports. The club colours of blue and white were used on the base and outline of the logo.

Revised logo development
 The tennis ball had a border with a crown placed on top that was included to signify the prestige of the club. The detail of the crown includes the iconic pike that can be famously found on the gates of Carlow courthouse, this was included to associate with the town.

Final logo design
We decided to exclude the border and crown from our previous design as we thought using just the blue outline of the tennis ball by itself looked more professional. The new logo design is simple yet effective.

We believe that there is a great opportunity to sell club merchandise to members such as t-shirts, gear bags and hoodies. Most sports clubs these days sell club merchandise. This will benefit the club by raising money, provide free advertising and will bring a sense of unity to the club. We have also designed a letterhead, membership, and business card which can be seen in hard copy in the appendix.

Our initial tagline “Carlow’s Premier Racket Centre” was the subject of much negative criticism from the class. On review we came up with our tagline
“Every day is a tennis day”

Promotional Material

Promotional Material
Posters and fliers are relatively cheap to print and are an effective means of promoting the club. We have designed a poster that would hopefully be used in shop windows or notice boards. The flier will be distributed door to door in Carlow town.
We got printing quotes from Solar Signs in Bagenalstown.

A2 Posters
A5 Fliers

Having attended the club racqethon, we noticed that there were no signs around the area  to indicate the clubs location. This is a major concern as ideally people should be able to find the club easily. We recommend that road signage is erected on nearby roads outlining the location of the club, and a large sign on the clubs premises that can be seen from the road to really put Carlow Lawn Tennis Club on the map.

Online Media and Promotional Video

Promotional video and Online Media
Promotional Video
While the club already uploads videos to the social media site YouTube, we found from the research conducted that many people were unaware of the facilities Carlow Lawn Tennis Club has to offer. That is why as part of the P.R campaign we have made a promotional video which will highlight the various facilities the club has to offer. We would also recommend that the promotional video is placed on the clubs website and social media pages and uploaded to YouTube.
Social Media
Social Media is vitally important when Carlow Lawn Tennis Club is trying to communicate its message online. While the club already has a Facebook and Twitter page greater emphasis should be placed on the development of the content in order to optimise its effect. Currently the club has 61 followers on its twitter page and 287 like on its Facebook page. From our research we found that Naas Tennis club only, one of the clubs main rivals, has 286 likes on Facebook and 61 followers on Twitter. We would however be recommending that the club changes its twitter name to Carlow LTC and the Facebook name to Carlow Lawn Tennis club. This is to make it easier for people to find the club while on Facebook or Twitter. Below are images of the proposed social media pages.

Websites are hugely important when the club is communicating its message online. For the purposes of this campaign and in line with the brief set down by our lecturer we will have designed a new website. As a result of a class discussion we had with our lecturer and other students it became apparent that the current website needs work. The following observations were made on redevelopment and updating the current website.
·         There was a number of different taglines on the website instead of just one,
·         Make the website more engaging for potential members
·         Make the website layout clearer
·         Use brighter photographs on the site that will invite people to the club
·         Change the domain name to Carlow Lawn Tennis Club instead of Carlow LTC
Image of proposed website   


According to Ellen Gunnings book Public Relations a practical approach, when holding a function you should aim to achieve the following goals (Gunning, 2007).
·         To reach the small but important audience attending the event
·         To gain media exposure for whatever you are launching at the event.
Achieving both goals in one function is the correct approach especially if you are going to invite a celebrity that is likely to attract media attention by their presence (Gunning, 2007). We would also recommend that all press releases and photocall notices are   sent out ten day in advance of the planned event. It is also important that photographers from local papers are invited to all the events taking place at the club.
John Doe’s 21st
A John Doe’s 21st is where everyone comes to a party dressed for a 21st and writes their name on the back of a ticket. If your name gets pulled out of the hat, it’s your 21st and you get all the cake and presents that come with celebrating this important milestone. In advanced of the party you will have all that is required for a 21st such as a D.J, cake, finger food decorations, etc. The John Doe’s 21st would act as an ideal opportunity to launch the tennis club bar as a party venue. In preparation for this event we would recommend that a running order is drawn up to ensure the smooth running of the event, and a press release is sent out in advance of the event. Below is a sample press release and running order for the event.
Running Order for John Doe’s 21st
9.00pm:          Room set up, members of the public beginning to arrive, committee members entrance fee at the door.
9.30pm:          Draw is made for John Doe’s 21st, D.J to announce a winner, photos taken by photographer from local papers.
10.15pm:        Blowing out of birthday candles by the winner.
10.30pm:        Finger food served.
11.00pm:        D.J ‘til late…
It could be you
·         Carlow Lawn Tennis Club to host a John Doe’s 21st
(Issued Tuesday 20th of September 2013) Carlow Lawn Tennis Club will be holding a John Doe’s 21st to launch the club bar as a party venue.
The event will be taking place Friday 1st of October starting at 9 pm in Carlow Lawn Tennis club Oak Park Road Carlow, opposite Dr Cullen Park.
Entry will be €5 and can be paid on the door, and tickets are available from any committee member.
A John Doe’s 21st is where everyone who attends the party writes their name on the back of a ticket, and if your name gets pulled out of the hat, it’s your 21st and you get all the cake and presents that come with celebrating this important milestone.
There will be a D.J on the night to ensure that everyone will be kept on the dance floor,
 finger food will be served to make sure no one goes hungry.
And remember every day is a tennis day
For more information about the event please don’t hesitate to contact us

Open Day
An open day would be an ideal opportunity for the public to see all the facilities Carlow Lawn Tennis Club has to offer. One result we found from the research conducted was people from around Carlow were unaware of that the club has a bar. In preparation for this event we would recommend sending out a press release and photo call notice to the relevant media and drawing up a running order to ensure the smooth running of the event. We would also suggest that a coaching session of all three sports played at the club takes place on the day. A membership offer on the day and a celebrity endorsement would help to encourage members of the public to the event. The celebrity that we would recommend for the event is Carlow native Kathryn Thomas. According to Joanne Byrne of Presence P.R Kathryn’s Thomas normal public appearance fee is €5,000 to €6,000 for one hour to include photos and media. However Joanne Byrne did make the point Kathryn does like to support things in Carlow and would normally do an event such as this for a greatly reduced price if she was free for approx €1500. Below is a sample running order, photo call and press release.
Running Order for Carlow Lawn Tennis Club Open Day
1.50pm:           Members of the Public begin to arrive
2.00pm:           Tours of the clubs facilities begin (which will continue throughout the day).
2.10pm:  Start of   exhibition matches of tennis badminton and squash played throughout the day.
2.30pm: Free lessons
3:00pm: Begin serving of refreshments in the club bar
3:30pm: Kathryn Thomas arrives to club for photographs  
5.00pm: Members of the public begin to leave and clean up begins

Operation Transformation
·          Kathryn Thomas to visit Carlow Lawn Tennis Club  on its inaugural open day
Issued (Wednesday 14th of May 2013) Carlow Lawn Tennis club will be holding an open day to encourage new members and to promote all the facilities the club has to offer to the general public.
The event will be taking place on Sunday the 24th of May starting at 11 o clock in Carlow Lawn Tennis Club Oak Park Road Carlow, opposite Dr Cullen Park
Members of Carlow Lawn Tennis Club will also give demonstrations of  the sports played at the club, lessons by professional coaches will also be provided on the day
Entry is free.
The club will also have a special membership offer for anyone who joins on the day
And remember every day is a tennis day
For more information about the event please do not hesitate to contact us

Photo call notice
Issued on 14th of May 2013
A photographer will be present on the day taking photographs for Carlow Lawn Tennis Club
Whats all the Racquet out there!
Photo opportunities:
·         Kathryn  Thomas playing a game of tennis.
·         Bar tender serving Kathryn Thomas a drink in club bar.
·         Professional coaches showing people how to play squash badminton and Tennis.
Location: Carlow Lawn Tennis Club Oak Park Rd Carlow (directions inserted)
Date:  24th of May 2013
Time: 9:30 am
Contact details:
Please feel free to contact anytime for more details about the event

Summer Barbeque
Running an event for a recognised local charity such as the Delta Centre Carlow will create goodwill between the club and the wider community along with positive coverage in the local media. We recommend that the club makes this a family orientated event for members and non-members alike. Attractions such as face painting, bouncing castles and music should be added to events schedule. Owing to the unpredictable nature of the Irish weather it would be advisable to have a plan B and perhaps use the clubhouse. Below is a sample press release for the event.
Make a Racquet for Delta
·      Carlow Lawn Tennis Club to hold summer barbeque to raise funds for Delta Centre.
(Issued Thursday 2nd of July 2013) Carlow Lawn Tennis Club will hold a barbeque to raise funds for its affiliated charity Delta Centre Carlow.
The barbeque will take place in Carlow Lawn Tennis Club, Oak Park Road Carlow opposite on Sunday 12th of July at 2pm.
There will be something for everyone, bouncing castle and face painting for the kids and music entertainment for the adults.
Entry is five euro with   all proceeds going to the Delta centre.
The event will also be attended by the Tennis Ireland Leinster Branch President David Barber.
For More information about the event please feel free to contact us

Carlow Lawn Tennis Club Ball
We propose the event of a club ball for all club members. This could become an annual event in the clubs social calendar. We contacted The Seven Oaks hotel who would cater for the event. The room would be complementary to rent provided the club pay for food on the night. The cost of a three course meal is €25 a head, with the cost of finger food being €15 per head. If ball tickets were sold for €50 the event could pay for itself including the cost of hiring a band for the night. 
Carlow Lawn Tennis Club ball
Sample Running Order
7.00pm:           Pre-dinner drinks
8.00pm:           Guests seated
8.15pm:           CEO to welcome everyone 
9.30pm:           Dinner complete
9.45pm:           After dinner speaker
10.00pm:         Guests shown club highlights of the year
10.15pm:         Awards ceremony while band get set up
10.45pm:  Music ‘til late…

Advantage You
·        Carlow Lawn Tennis Club to hold their Inaugural Ball
There’s a spectacular night in store for local tennis players who look forward to attending the annual Carlow lawn tennis club ball. Carlow lawn tennis club are holding their annual club ball in The Seven Oaks Hotel next Friday the 20th of April at 7pm
 There will be a 3 course meal followed by club awards, live music and late bar in what promises to be a great night for all.
Tickets directly from Carlow lawn tennis club for just 50. Carlow lawn tennis club is the premier racquet club in Carlow town offering tennis, squash and badminton.
New members are always welcome you can stay fit and have fun all year round.
And remember every day is a tennis day.
For information about the event please feel free to contact us
Phone 059 9143775


Radio Advertisement and Target Media

Radio advertisement and target media
As part of the P.R Campaign for Carlow Lawn Tennis Club, we have included two 30 seconds radio advertisements one promoting the club and its facilities and the other promoting the club bar as a party venue.  We have also included the cost of the proposed 30 second advertisements if the club was to advertise on either Beat 102-103 or K.C.L.R 96fm. A media contact list made up of the relevant print and broadcast media can be seen in the appendix. Radio scripts for the proposed advertisements are also included.
According to Ellen Gunnings book Public Relations a Practical approach some of the merits of print and broadcast media include.
1.      Newspapers and magazines can be read anywhere even online (Gunning, 2007).
2.      You do not need to make time for radio. Radio dose not intrude on your life, you can do other things while listening (Gunning, 2007).
3.      Local newspapers have a shelf life of at least a week. They are seldom discarded before the next issue is bought (Gunning, 2007).
Radio advertisement script for club promotional
Have you ever wondered where in Carlow you could play Squash, Badminton and Tennis all in the same place?
Well why not come down to Carlow Lawn Tennis Club Oak Park Road Carlow
And if you are worried about the weather don’t be.
With Carlow Lawn Tennis Club’s extensive indoor facilities, you can have fun all year round.
For details about Carlow Tennis Club call us on 059- 9143775 or drop us an email to 
And remember everyday is a tennis day.
Radio advertisement script for bar and function room
Are you looking for the perfect venue to host a party or function? Look no further than Carlow Lawn Tennis Club, Oak Park Road Carlow Town! Available for kids parties, anniversaries’’, Dinner Dance, Birthday celebrations at competitive prices. To confirm a booking email us at or call 059 9143775. Whatever the occasion choose Carlow Lawn Tennis Club. You will love our ace facilities, our function room has a fully licenced bar that serves everything from alcohol to deuce. Rally behind Carlow lawn tennis club. Advantage You!

Kilkenny Address: Broadcast Centre, Carlow Road, Kilkenny
Carlow Address: Exchequer House. Potato Market, Carlow.
Ad Manager: Conor Power
Phone: 056 779 6296
Fax: 056 779 6299
Franchise area: Carlow/Kilkenny
Population: 114,000
Target Market: All adults
Adult Weekly Reach: 61%
AV Quarter Hour: 7%=8,000
2012 Rates
Spot Rate – 30 sec
Total Audience Package 07.00 to 00.00

Total Audience Package 07.00 to 00.00
14 Spots
21 Spots
28 Spots
35 Spots

Beat 102-103 (South East)
NOTE: BEAT 102-103 FM is part of the Urban Access Package
This information was updated 07/11/2013
RADIO STATION:            Beat 102-103 (Launch July 1st 2003)

 The Broadcast Centre,
Waterford City.

TELEPHONE: (051) 849102

FAX:  (051) 849103

FRANCHISE AREA: South East Region

POPULATION:  384,000

CONTACT:  Liam Dunne (Head of Sales)


06.30 - 19.00 (R.O.D.)

06.30 - 24.00 (T.A.P)

19.00 - 06.30 (Nightime)

06.30 - 19.00

30 SEC
14 spots
21 spots
 28 spots
35 spots

06.00 - 24.00
30 SEC
 14 spots
 21 spots
 28 spots
35 spots
 14 spots

The Nationalist (Carlow, Kildare & Laois)
Address: Hanover House, Hanover, Carlow.
Ad Manager: Mike Moore
Phone: 059 917 0100
Fax: 059 913 0301
Type: Tabloid – 7 cols
Frequency: Weekly- Tuesday
Circulation: 12,736 (ABC January – December 2012)
2012 Rates
3 Titles:
S.C.Cm. (single column centimetre)
½ Page
Full Page

Carlow People
This information was last updated 07/03/2013
Rowe Street,

AD MANAGER:  Ann Jones


PHONE: 053 91 40100

FAX:  053 91 40191/2


TYPE: Tabloid - 7 Columns

FREQUENCY: Weekly – Tuesday

CIRCULATION:  12,000 copies

Carlow People Rates
S.C.C (single column centimetre)
1/2 PAGE

Crisis PR

Crisis P.R Plan
If in the event of a fire taking place in Carlow Lawn Tennis Club it will not only affect the members of the club but also the public’s confidence in the club. It is important to note that there are four key elements in a crisis P.R plan, anticipation, preparation, activity and aftermath (Gunning, 2007). If this crisis strikes it is not only important to inform the relevant authorities such as the fire service and the An Gardaí Siochana.
The crisis communication Team  
Carlow Lawn Tennis Club should form a crisis communication team that is made up of three representatives from the club. One of the first tasks of a crisis communication team should be to nominate a designated spokesperson to liaise with members of the media (News 2013).Every member must have contact details for others on the crisis communication team. It is also vital that one person is nominated to contact everybody (Gunning, 2007). Once the crisis communication team is established a list should be made of the people who are part of the team  and what each member is responsible for (News 2013).
Designated spokesperson
In a crisis the media need a person to inform them of any developments since the fire occurred (News 2013). Only one person should be nominated to the position of designated spokesperson more than one spokesperson could have the effect of worsening a crisis. It is also important that the spokesperson liaise with the relevant authorities such as the An Gardaí Siochana and the Fire service (News 2013).   .
Media Policies and Procedures
You can’t hide the fact a fire took place at Carlow Lawn Tennis Club. That is why the best way to approach a crisis is to be honest and upfront with the media (News 2013). As previously stated only one person should speak to the media at all times. It is also vital that when a journalist rings someone makes a note of it and makes sure to get back to that person when they said they would.

Practicing tough Questions
It is hugely important for the designated spokesperson to practice questions that he or she may be asked in an interview. If possible hold a questions and answers session before each media briefing. When the club is in the middle of a crisis it is better to over prepare than under prepare (News 2013).
Prepared Statements
If you do not communicate with the media straight away you lose your greatest chance to take hold of the crisis (News 2013). Controlling the situation is a huge element of crisis Public Relations. In the first statement that is issued by Carlow Lawn Tennis Club, the following questions are going to be asked who what why where when. It is vital that all prepared statements are preapproved by the crisis communication team.
Sample News Release
A ___________________ at ____________________ involving __________________ occurred today at ________________ . The incident is under investigation and more information is forthcoming (News 2013).
It is absolutely vital that all information in the news releases is accurate and has been approved by the crisis communication committee. Remember the confidence of Carlow Lawn Tennis Club is at stake.
Key audiences
If in the event of a fire taking place at Carlow Lawn Tennis Club, it would not only be of interest to the members but also to others who live in the Carlow area. However if a fire takes place at the club you must think of an effective way to communicate the clubs message to everyone.
Media Contact Log
It is of vital importance that a media contact log is established to keep a record of calls that came in.
The contact log should contain the following information:
Date | Name of caller | Questions(s) asked | Telephone number Person responsible for response | Additional follow-up needs (News 2013).  It is also important to get back to the media representative at the time you said you would.
Handling Media Interviews
It is always advisable to establish what the journalist/ interviewer already knows. This would be beneficial to both parties. Prepare all kinds of questions before the interview takes place . During the interview it is important not to go off the record (News 2013).. It is also important to avoid what if questions as they could prove difficult to answer correctly (News 2013).. When the interview is taking place it is important the designated spokesperson is calm and relaxed.


Increased awareness of the tennis club amongst the general public will be analysed by  the amount of hits on the website along with monitoring the number of likes on  Facebook, and followers on Twitter  added since the new developments began. By using the clubs Facebook and Twitter accounts to create discussion relating to any changes in the club we can evaluate the opinion of the clubs member’s feedback or suggestions they may have.
The distributed fliers and posters will include a link to visit the website and view the proposed developments online where there will be a designated page for customer feedback which we will review. This link will also be posted on the clubs Facebook page to direct people to the customer feedback page.
We will assess the proposed events by observing attendance and participation as well as monitoring people’s attitudes towards each event and develop a general consensus to measure how successful they were.
An extensive media log will be kept to record all the media coverage received by the club which will allow us to evaluate any references made to the new developments. This will allow us to calculate if the media coverage has been unbiased or supportive.
When the campaign is finished we will devise a survey that will be designed to allow for reflective feedback on specific relevant matters. This will help us evaluate decisions such as new signage, and the popularity of our events.
We will compare and contrast old and current membership trends to establish how effective our strategy was to attract new members to the club. On signing up, new members will be given a quick survey enquiring how they found out about the club amongst other questions to evaluate where our strengths and weaknesses in reaching out potential members.




Gunning, E. (2007). Public Realtions A Practical approach 2nd edition. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan .
News (2013) Crisis Communication A Blue Print, [online] available: [accessed date 12/11/13]
Media Live (2013) Beat 102-103 (South East) ,(online), available: [accessed date 24/11/13].
Media Live (2013) K.C.L.R  96 fm ,(online), available: [accessed date 24/11/13].
Media Live (2013) Carlow People, (online), available: [accessed date 24/11/13].
Media Live (2013) The Nationalist, (online), available: [accessed date 24/11/13].




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