The piece I am compiling
an ideological analysis on, is a Bank of Ireland advertisement which appeared
in the Irish Independent promoting the fact that they are ready to lend to
people who are attempting to get on the property ladder. I believe it is important
to define an ideology before discussing it further, it is “a set of shared ideas that seem to those who hold them to be natural and
unquestionable they seem to spring up un hidden as fundamental components of
the reality of the world”. (Long and Wall 2009)
The following
topics are discussed in this ideological analysis
Dominant ideologies that inform the
The groups portrayed and excluded in the
How ideological image systems are produced.
How mediational image systems are used by
the producer.
What is the preferred reading of the advertisement?
Evaluation of the
main points of this ideological analysis will show that this advertisement uses
a number of different methods to promote ideologies.
I believe the main
ideology that informs the piece is capitalism. It can be defined as an “economic and political system in which a
country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit rather
than by the state”. (Oxford 2013). It
is clear that the main aim of this advertisement is to make money for Bank of
Ireland. Ideologies work in a number of different ways such as making their
values appear natural, concealing or denying contradictions and appearing
universal. I believe very few people who read this advertisement would consider
Bank of Ireland to be a caring financial institution. I would consider
patriarchy to be another ideology evident in this advertisement. Patriarchy can
be defined as “a system of society or
government in which men hold power and women are largely excluded from it” (Oxford 2013). This
advertisement also suggests that men are mostly renting and waiting to get on
the property ladder.
There can also be
little doubt that the dominant group behind this advertisement is Bank of
Ireland. It is my belief that the main reason Bank of Ireland take out such
advertisements is due to the negative representation they receive in the media.
Perhaps this is due to the role that they played in the economic collapse.
First time buyers and long term renters are also portrayed in this
advertisement. They quote the man in the advertisement as saying. “I thought I would be renting forever but
Bank of Ireland helped me move”. Therefore it would suggest that this
advertisement is targeted towards those particular groups. I also believe one
particular group who are not mentioned is the taxpayer, who bailed out the
banks. The point could be argued that the main motivation behind this
advertisement is to give the impression that Bank of Ireland are lending money
to people.
Ideational image
systems can be defined “as systematic forms of ideological expression that
combines images of message structure into an integrated whole”. Advertising is
probably the best example of this. One of the main features of an ideational
image system is to encourage audiences to become more involved with commercial
products. In this advertisement Bank of Ireland are encouraging potential customers
to arrange an appointment through text,
they also give a helpline number and website details. Mediational image system
refers to media transmitted ideology. The ideologies are represented in
language and interpreted through language by people in social interaction. It
also refers to how ideologies are expressed and elaborated by technological
intervention and interpersonal communication. In this advertisement Bank of
Ireland use varying font sizes to express their ideologies. It is interesting
to note how a bold white font is used to highlight various ways customers or
potential customers can learn more about mortgage options offered by the bank.
They also use the same font but a different background colour to highlight the
fact that Bank of Ireland will help people move into their new home. Preferred
reading can be defined as “where the text
is created and understood using the same code”. (Long and Wall 2009). A
code is a means for converting information into a special format in order to
communicate it. (Long and Wall 2009). Therefore Bank of Ireland want to
communicate not only to their own customers but also potential customers that
they are ready to provide advice that will enable people to get on the property
In conclusion
there can be little doubt that the main ideology that informs the piece is
capitalism and the dominant group
portrayed in the piece is Bank of Ireland. The banks also use a variety
of different methods to express their ideologies.
Long, P., Wall, T. (2009)
Media Studies Texts, Production, Context 2nd edition. London: Pearson.
(2013) Definition of Capitalism in English. [Online], available [ accessed date
24th of October 2013].
(2013) Definition of Patriarchy in English. [Online], available [
accessed date 24th of October 2013].
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