Monday, 23 March 2015


·         1-Introduction.
·         2-Key findings
·         3-Industry Overview.
·         4-Personas.
·         5-Segmentation Table.
·         6-Perceptual map.
·         7-Conclusion.
·         8-References.
·         9-Appendix
o    sample of survey.

Principles of Marketing Assignment
Year 2
Continuous Assessment 15%

Group Project
Groups of 4 max
Deadline Wednesday 5th December
Report to be handed in at class that day

You are required to:

  • Prepare a segmentation analysis identifying at least 4 segments.
  • Develop a persona for each segment
  • Present a perceptual map for one of the segments

on one of the following industries.

1.      Motor
2.      Grocery
3.      Carbonated Soft Drink
4.      Music
5.      Alcohol

Market Research
You are required to conduct market research to prepare the segmentation analysis. This research may be Secondary and Primary.  The research methodology should be provided in the appendix. Evidence of this research should also be provided and the segmentation analysis should be based on the research findings

Report Specification:
All projects must be typed in a professional manner.
A staple in the top corner will be sufficient – no need to bind.
Maximum 10 pages, excluding appendices.
Groups must make oral presentations in class.
Due date: Written report : 5th December, 2012.
Presentations will commence on that date
No extensions or late submissions.
10% deduction for every day late. (including weekends)
Assessment Marks: 15% Continuous Assessment
(50% Written report & 50% Oral Presentation)
Oral presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes

The term “soda water” was first coined in 1798 and in 1810 First U.S patent issued for the manufacture of imitation mineral waters. Since then the carbonated soft drink industry has contributed some of the most recognisable brands in the world, including Coca-Cola, Red Bull and Lucozade. With 90% of people surveyed saying they would consume a Carbonated Soft Drink, they have proven to now be a staple in the everyday diet of people across the world.
2:Key Findings
  • 90% of those who took part in the survey consume carbonated soft drinks.
  • Irish soft drinks generated total sales of 1.2bn in 2010 an increase of 1.2% from 2006.
  • Price does not influence decision to buy.
  • Four out of Five people said they are brand loyal.
  • Coca-Cola Company has a 28.8% share of the Irish Market.

3:Industry Overview
The carbonated soft drinks market is hugely competitive with many company’s competing for market share. The latest figures indicate that the Irish soft drinks market grew by 0.3% and it is expected to rise further by 4.3% in 2015. However the recession has not missed the soft drinks industry in Ireland as market volume shrunk by 1.6% in 2010 to a volume of 672.2m litres and it is expected to decrease further by 2015. Carbonates are the largest segment in the Irish soft drinks market, accounting for 37.7% of the total market value. In the United Kingdom the Carbonated soft drinks market grew by 4.5% in 2011 to a value of £15.7bn and is set to increase by a further 23.4% by 2016.  The market volume in the U.K grew by 3.9% to a volume of 6.6bn litres and is expected to increase 20.3% by 2016. The European carbonated soft drinks market grew by 3.9% to a value of €52.1bn and it is projected to rise by a further 14.9% over the next five years. The market volume of the European carbonated soft drinks industry grew by 2.4% to a capacity of 58.5bn litres, this figure is expected to rise over the next five years. The Global carbonated drinks market grew by 2.3% in 2011 to a value of $194.6bn dollars, market volume also increased last year to a capacity of 198.3bn litres.

·         Sports Drinks: Dillon – 19
Dillon is a soccer student who trains five times a week and has an active social life – going out at least once a week. His interest in soft drinks is a high sugar drink to give a short, powerful boost to help him get through training sessions. Times that he would most often drink sports a drink is at training. Before training he would hydrate with water and afterwards he would rehydrate with a mixture of water and a high sugar sports drink for that perfect mix of sugar and hydration.

·         Regular Drinks: Margaret – 46
Margaret is a 46 year old housewife who had three children aged between eight and fifteen years old. Two of her children are in secondary school and one is still in primary. She is a dentist assistant who is on a temporary career break for nearly a year now. She buys a six back of a random regular carbonated soft drink every one / two weeks and also pays for drink when taking the family out to the cinema over the weekends.

4:Personas continued:

·         Rehydration-Mary :25
Mary is a 25 year old receptionist who works 5 days a week. She likes to keep fit and exercises on a daily basis. She goes out once a week, mostly on weekends to socialise. She drinks soft drinks that have a low calorie count during the day to rehydrate e.g. on her lunch break. She chooses to only consume a carbonated soft drink once a week if even as she is interested in her fitness and healthy eating.
·         Energy : Amy-21
Amy is a 21 year old college student who attends college 21 hours a week. She has a very sociable lifestyle and she is a member of many clubs and societies in her college, but is also very dedicated to keeping up with her studies. She likes to drink energy drinks when she is studying to help keep her alert and occasionally in the mornings to help wake her up.

5:Segmentation Table.

Segment 1

Segment 2
Regular Drinks.
Segment 3
Segment 4
·         Young people.
·         Fitness orientated.

·         Any age group
·         Different occasions.

·         18-35 years
·         Doesn’t revolve around fitness but can be a factor.
·         Rehydration on break in work.
·         Young people.
·         Fitness orientated.
·         People that are on the go.
·         Need to be alert.

Benefits Sought
·         Energy to compete.
·         Rehydration during and after.

·         Quench thirst.
·         Treat on the weekend for children.
·         Regular drink.
·         Rehydration.
·         After exercising.
·         Energy to compete.
·         Energy boost to stay alert for classes.

·         Active throughout the week.
·         Training and partaking in matches etc.

·         Active mostly at weekends with children.
·         As a treat during the week.
·         Special occasions instead of alcohol.

·         Active during the working week and weekends.
·         Partakes in sports for fitness.
·         Socialising on weekends or after work.

·         Active during the week in college or working.
·         Active at the weekends.
·         Socialising during the week and at weekends.
Key Motivation Factors
·         Need hydration after training or matches.
·         Need boost of energy to compete.
·         Price-affordable.
·         Sweet treat at the weekend.
·         Price-offers on that are affordable and that will last.
·         Occasional treat during the week.
·         Option other than alcohol on a night out.
·         For rehydration after sports occasionally.
·         Price-low price, eg. For students.
·         Shot of caffeine to keep alert during college hours.

How do they purchase?
·         Shops
·         Supermarkets.
·         Supermarkets.
·         At Venues, eg. Cinema.
·         Shops.
·         Supermarket.
·         Shops.
·         Supermarkets.

Having taken note of the research investigated, it is clear that if you were to place a product in the market now, it would be hard to find a niche to place it in. With brands such as Coca-Cola and Redbull dominating the Regular and Energy markets, it would be hard to introduce a product that could compete on the same level or above these market leaders. The only area with scope for a new product would be that of the Rehydration Segment as there is no carbonated soft drink that provides complete Rehydration.

7:References: Introduction to pop the history of soft drinks timeline. [online], available. [accessed 5/12/12].
Datamonitor. (2011) Industry Profile Soft Drinks in Ireland. 0170-0802
Marketline. (2012) Marketline Industry profile Carbonated Soft Drinks in the United Kingdom. 0183-0028
Marketline. (2012) Global Carbonated Soft Drinks. 0199-00228
Marketline. (2012) Marketline Industry profile Carbonated Soft Drinks in Europe. 0201-0028
Marketline. (2012) Company Profile. The Coca-Cola Company.

9: 9.a: Appendix:
Definition of Research Problem
The segments that are being used for the carbonated soft drinks industry are energy drinks, sports drinks, regular carbonated drinks and diet carbonated drinks.
Set Research Objectives
·         Do a Quantitative Survey.
·         Do a Qualitative Focus Group.
·         Search internet data bases, eg. Datamonitor.
Secondary Data Sources
As part of this assignment the internet database, Datamonitor was used as the main source referencing tool for secondary information. Secondary research sources used in the principles of marketing assignment are as follows.
Datamonitor. (2011) Industry profile Soft Drinks in Ireland. 0170-0802
Marketline. (2012) Marketline Industry profile Carbonated Soft Drinks in the United Kingdom. 0183-0028
Marketline. (2012) Global Carbonated Soft Drinks. 0199-00228
Marketline. (2012) Marketline Industry profile Carbonated Soft Drinks in Europe. 0201-0028
Marketline (2012) Company Profile. The Coca-Cola Company

Primary Research (Qualitative)
For our qualitative a series of pre-determined questions will be asked to a five person focus group.  This will provide more detailed answers than will be gathered get from the quantitative survey because it is more personal approach and it will provide more time to go in to detail with the questioning of the focus group.
Quantitative Research
For the quantitative research a ten question questionnaire will prepared and distributed to 20 people, 10 male and 10 female.

Being students, the research team had certain limitations such as time constraints eg. Other lectures or projects due. This would not be a problem for professional research teams. Also, the research team was not given a budget for research this is something that a professional research team would have. A larger budget would have led to more extensive research and to a broader look into the Carbonated soft drinks market.

Sample of survey:
   2nd Year Media and Public Relations
Marketing: Carbonated Soft Drinks survey
Q 1   Do you consume soft drinks? Please specify
Yes               No
Q 2 Which category of soft drinks do you consume? Tick relevant box
Sugar/ Regular
Others please specify …………………..
Q3When Purchasing a soft drink do you prefer a can or bottle? Please specify
Please specify
Q 4 The price of a bottle is expensive compared to a can
Please indicate from 1 to 5 to the extent you agree or disagree with the above statement
Strongly agree
Don’t know
Strongly disagree
Q 5What occasions would you buy a soft drink?
Sporting event
Others Please specify …………………
Q 6 Where would you buy a soft drink?
Please specify
Supermarket/ shop
Off licence
Q 7 which do you prefer?
Please Tick
Q8 would package design impact your choice to buy?
Please Tick
Q9 please specify
Gender:            Male                           Female
Q10 what age group are you in? Tick relevant box
50 plus


Work submitted for assessment which does not include this declaration will not be assessed.


*I declare that all material in this assignment is entirely my own work except where duly acknowledged.

*I have cited the sources of all quotations, paraphrases, summaries of information, tables, diagrams or other material; including software and other electronic media in which intellectual property rights may reside.

*I have provided a complete bibliography of all works and sources used in the preparation of this submission.

*I understand that failure to comply with the Institute’s regulations governing plagiarism constitutes a serious offence.  

Students Names: (Printed)      Aoife Breen, James McDonald, Thomas Cleary and Patrick Jordan.

Student Numbers:                   Aoife Breen: C00159968
                                                James McDonald: C00161886
                                                Thomas Cleary: C00157072
Patrick Jordan: C00154419
Signatures:                              ____________________________
Date:                                       ____________________________

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